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Extreme States of Matter

E-BookPDF1 - PDF WatermarkE-Book
332 Seiten
Springer Berlin Heidelbergerschienen am16.11.20102011

With its many beautiful colour pictures, this book gives fascinating insights into the unusual forms and behaviour of matter under extremely high pressures and temperatures. These extreme states are generated, among other things, by strong shock, detonation and electric explosion waves, dense laser beams, electron and ion beams, hypersonic entry of spacecraft into dense atmospheres of planets, and in many other situations characterized by extremely high pressures and temperatures.

Written by one of the world's foremost experts on the topic, this book will inform and fascinate all scientists dealing with materials properties and physics, and also serve as an excellent introduction to plasma-, shock-wave and high-energy-density physics for students and newcomers seeking an overview.



Vladimir Fortov is one of Russia's leading physicists, a senior member of the Academy of Sciences, and a world expert on the topic of matter under extreme conditions. He has carried out many pioneering experiments, among others experimentally confirming the 'plasma phase transitions' long predicted by eminent scientists such as Eugene Wigner, Lev Landau and Klaus von Klitzing. He was also in charge of experiments carried out aboard the MIR and ISS space stations.





With its many beautiful colour pictures, this book gives fascinating insights into the unusual forms and behaviour of matter under extremely high pressures and temperatures. These extreme states are generated, among other things, by strong shock, detonation and electric explosion waves, dense laser beams, electron and ion beams, hypersonic entry of spacecraft into dense atmospheres of planets, and in many other situations characterized by extremely high pressures and temperatures.

Written by one of the world's foremost experts on the topic, this book will inform and fascinate all scientists dealing with materials properties and physics, and also serve as an excellent introduction to plasma-, shock-wave and high-energy-density physics for students and newcomers seeking an overview.



Vladimir Fortov is one of Russia's leading physicists, a senior member of the Academy of Sciences, and a world expert on the topic of matter under extreme conditions. He has carried out many pioneering experiments, among others experimentally confirming the 'plasma phase transitions' long predicted by eminent scientists such as Eugene Wigner, Lev Landau and Klaus von Klitzing. He was also in charge of experiments carried out aboard the MIR and ISS space stations.


Weitere ISBN/GTIN9783642164644
Format Hinweis1 - PDF Watermark
Seiten332 Seiten
IllustrationenXII, 332 p.


3;1 Introduction;13
4;2 Matter under Extreme Conditions: Classification of States;19
5;3 High Energy Densities in Laboratories;37
5.1;3.1 Main Lines of Research;37
5.2;3.2 Generators of High Energy Densities;41
5.3;3.3 Static Methods Using Diamond Anvils;51
5.4;3.4 Dynamic Methods;53
5.5;3.5 Light-Gas Guns or Chemical and Nuclear Explosions;59
5.6;3.6 Quasi-classical Model of a Substance;66
5.7;3.7 Devices of High-Current Impulse Energetics;73
6;4 High-Power Lasers in High-Energy-Density Physics;87
7;5 Relativistic Charged Particle Beams;109
7.1;5.1 Production of Macroscopic Hot Plasma Volumes;113
7.2;5.2 The Nuclear Matter Phase Diagram and Quark--Gluon Plasma;119
7.3;5.3 Low-Energy Scan Experiments with Heavy Ions at the NICA Collider;141
8;6 Technical Applications of the Physics of High Energy Densities;155
8.1;6.1 Laser Inertial Confinement Fusion;156
8.1.1;6.1.1 Direct Drive;156
8.1.2;6.1.2 Indirect Drive;162
8.1.3;6.1.3 Fast Ignition;165
8.2;6.2 Heavy-Ion Beam Fusion;168
8.3;6.3 Laser-Plasma Acceleration of Charged Particles;169
8.4;6.4 Free-Electron Lasers and Ultrashort High-Intensity Radiation Sources;179
8.5;6.5 Plasma in Accelerators;185
9;7 Astrophysical Aspects of High Energy Densities;197
9.1;7.1 Planets, Exoplanets, Substars, and White and Brown Dwarfs;202
9.2;7.2 Superextreme States: Neutron Stars, Black Holes, Magnetars, and Wormholes;236
9.3;7.3 Cosmic Jets, Radiative Shock Waves, and Molecular Clouds;263
9.4;7.4 Cosmic Rays;294
9.5;7.5 Gamma-Ray Bursts;298
9.6;7.6 Matter Transformation after the Big Bang;306
10;8 Conclusion;343


Vladimir Fortov is one of Russia's leading physicists, a senior member of the Academy of Sciences, and a world expert on the topic of matter under extreme conditions. He has carried out many pioneering experiments, among others experimentally confirming the "plasma phase transitions" long predicted by eminent scientists such as Eugene Wigner, Lev Landau and Klaus von Klitzing. He was also in charge of experiments carried out aboard the MIR and ISS space stations.