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The Instant Global #1 and Sunday Times Bestseller
TaschenbuchKartoniert, Paperback
400 Seiten
Simon & Schuster UKerschienen am03.10.2023
COMING IN SUMMER 2024, THE BRAND NEW HANNAH GRACE MAPLE HILL SERIES NOVEL - PRE-ORDER NOW! The new novel from the bestselling author of Icebreaker.... When Russ and Aurora cross paths at a university party, a drinking game ends with them spending the night together. The next day, Aurora slips away before Russ learns her full name.  This anonymity ends when they both turn up to their first day of work as camp counsellors. A job they had both chosen to escape Maple Hills for the summer.  Given their history, there s still an obvious tension between the two but the camp has a strict no staff fraternizing rule. Russ doesn t want to risk heading home early but Aurora has never been one for rules.   As things heat up, they'll have to resist or risk starting something they just can t stop.     18+ content mehr
Verfügbare Formate
TaschenbuchKartoniert, Paperback
TaschenbuchKartoniert, Paperback
TaschenbuchKartoniert, Paperback


KlappentextCOMING IN SUMMER 2024, THE BRAND NEW HANNAH GRACE MAPLE HILL SERIES NOVEL - PRE-ORDER NOW! The new novel from the bestselling author of Icebreaker.... When Russ and Aurora cross paths at a university party, a drinking game ends with them spending the night together. The next day, Aurora slips away before Russ learns her full name.  This anonymity ends when they both turn up to their first day of work as camp counsellors. A job they had both chosen to escape Maple Hills for the summer.  Given their history, there s still an obvious tension between the two but the camp has a strict no staff fraternizing rule. Russ doesn t want to risk heading home early but Aurora has never been one for rules.   As things heat up, they'll have to resist or risk starting something they just can t stop.     18+ content 
EinbandartKartoniert, Paperback
Seiten400 Seiten
Gewicht272 g


Hannah Grace lebt in Manchester, England. Wenn sie nicht gerade damit beschäftigt ist, aus Versehen verschiedenen Figuren denselben Namen zu geben oder britische Redewendungen in ihren amerikanischen Büchern zu benutzen, die kein Mensch versteht, ist sie häufig in Gesellschaft ihres Ehemanns und ihrer beider Hunde Pig und Bear anzutreffen.
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Grace, Hannah