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Picasso: Blaue und die Rosa Periode

Der frühe Picasso. Katalog zur Ausstellung in der Fondation Beyeler, Riehen
300 Seiten
Hatje Cantz Verlagerschienen am05.02.2019
In its most prestigious exhibition to date, the Fondation Beyeler has devoted itself to the early paintings and sculptures of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) that date from his so-called Blue and Pink periods to early Cubism. The paintings from this stage of his career, all produced between 1901 and 1907, are milestones on the road Picasso took to becoming the most famous artist of the twentieth century. They can be counted among modernism s most beautiful and most emotional works, and are also some of the most precious works of art ever to exist. This comprehensive exhibition and its companion catalogue feature around eighty masterpieces, most of which are only rarely loaned out by famous museums and private collections around the world.EXHIBITIONFebruary 3 - May 26, 2019Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Baselmehr


KlappentextIn its most prestigious exhibition to date, the Fondation Beyeler has devoted itself to the early paintings and sculptures of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) that date from his so-called Blue and Pink periods to early Cubism. The paintings from this stage of his career, all produced between 1901 and 1907, are milestones on the road Picasso took to becoming the most famous artist of the twentieth century. They can be counted among modernism s most beautiful and most emotional works, and are also some of the most precious works of art ever to exist. This comprehensive exhibition and its companion catalogue feature around eighty masterpieces, most of which are only rarely loaned out by famous museums and private collections around the world.EXHIBITIONFebruary 3 - May 26, 2019Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
Zusammenfassung- Selten gezeigte Meisterwerke auf einen Blick - Aus einer der berühmtesten Schaffensperioden Picassos - Interpretationen von zahlreichen Experten

- Selten gezeigte Meisterwerke auf einen Blick - Aus einer der berühmtesten Schaffensperioden Picassos - Interpretationen von zahlreichen Experten
Seiten300 Seiten
Gewicht2485 g
Illustrationen171 Abb.
Verwandte Artikel


? Rarely seen masterpieces at a glance ? From one of Picasso?s most famous periods ? Interpretations from multiple expertsmehr



PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973) gilt als der Künstler des 20. Jahrhundert. Neben seinem malerischen und bildhauerischen Werk genießen auch seine grafischen Arbeiten einen besonderen Ruhm.
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