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Kulturphänomen Harry Potter

Multiadressiertheit und Internationalität eines nationalen Literatur- und Medienevents
258 Seiten
V&R unipresserschienen am09.12.2009
Today, the controversies surrounding J.K. Rowling´s bestseller series have settled down a bit. From a distance we can now gain an at least somewhat more distanced view of Harry Potter and pose the question of how such a literary work with many thousands of pages has found such a devoted readership although it takes place in a fantastic world that is as culturally specific and national as any we have ever seen in international literature. The public discussion, especially with the publication of the final volume in the series, tells us a lot about our thoughts and expectations for literature. We are especially interested in the texts; we follow up on particular passages; we try to determine connections to real people, literary motifs, figures, traditions and narrative styles. Harry Potter transgresses boundaries - those of language, marketing, readership, literary genres and traditions. The varied ways of looking at this series means revising the normal approaches of literary criticism.mehr


KlappentextToday, the controversies surrounding J.K. Rowling´s bestseller series have settled down a bit. From a distance we can now gain an at least somewhat more distanced view of Harry Potter and pose the question of how such a literary work with many thousands of pages has found such a devoted readership although it takes place in a fantastic world that is as culturally specific and national as any we have ever seen in international literature. The public discussion, especially with the publication of the final volume in the series, tells us a lot about our thoughts and expectations for literature. We are especially interested in the texts; we follow up on particular passages; we try to determine connections to real people, literary motifs, figures, traditions and narrative styles. Harry Potter transgresses boundaries - those of language, marketing, readership, literary genres and traditions. The varied ways of looking at this series means revising the normal approaches of literary criticism.
Seiten258 Seiten
Gewicht670 g


The hype about J.K. Rowlings' sensationally successful series has meanwhile quietened down. From a certain distance, the many aspects of an event like the Harry Potter craze cannot be fully appreciated, but one can pursue the question how it came about that a literary work of several thousand pages was able to find a global readership although the cultural setting of this epic world is more specifically national than almost any other in world literature. A look at the public discourse, particularly around the time the last volume was released, sheds light on conceptions and expectations of literature. Above all, the texts themselves are examined, different readings are sounded out, and links are pursued to really existing phenomena, literary motives, characters, traditions and narrative styles. Harry Potter surpasses all boundaries: those of language, markets, target groups, literary genres and traditions. At the same time the multifaceted vision which the Harry Potter series necessitates signifies the need for a revision at least of conventional literary studies.>mehr